Historical Flows, Gas in Store and Availability Reports
Planned outages and unplanned outages.REMIT reporting
2023 Forecasted capacity unavailability
Moreover, in accordance with the provisions of the GTCSS (art. 12.3), EGD officially informs that injection and withdrawal capacities will be further restricted as follow:
2023 Additional maintenance
From to 06th May 06:00 AM to 20th May 06:00 AM Injection Capacity will be limited to 50% (13 days).
2023 Planned Maintenance
Most of the Planned Maintenance is scheduled starting from 23rd April 06:00 AM until 06st May 06:00 AM (13 days), with following restrictions:
- From 23rd April 06:00 AM to 26th April 08:00 AM: Withdrawal and Injection Capacity will be limited to 50%.
- From 26th April 08:00 AM to 26th April 16:00: Withdrawal and Injection Capacity not available.
- From 26th April 16:00 to 01st May 06:00 AM: Withdrawal and Injection Capacity will be limited to 50%.
-From 01st May 06:00 AM to 06th May 06:00 AM: Withdrawal and Injection Capacity not available.
Moreover, on 20th September one additional day of Planned Maintenance (1 day) is scheduled:
- From 20th September 08:00 AM to 18:00: Withdrawal and Injection Capacity not available.